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The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

There is no friend as loyal as a book. In recent decade people are more keen towards eBooks, as it’s too easy to access from anywhere while you want to read. But the true book lovers find more peace and comfort in a library corner than any other place. Peaceful surrounding like in a library surely plays an important role to make your mind more relaxed and focused.

Our today’s collection of “The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries” is specially compiled for all book lovers. We have picked some of the most beautiful and unique libraries because of their architecture and design around the world. Enjoy the collection!

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National Library of China, China

Stuttgart City Library, Germany

State Library of New South Wales, Australia

Stockholm Public Library, Sweden

Admont Abbey Library, Austria

Mafra National Palace Library, Portugal

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

National Library of France, France

Abbey Library of Saint Gall, Switzerland

Klementinum Library, Czech Republic
